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Sponsor a Girl

‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ Matt 25:45

Please partner with Cedar Home in sponsoring the specific needs of individual orphaned and disadvantaged girls in Lebanon. By making your donation now, you are helping to provide for the physical, emotional, educational and spiritual needs of girls who have no families to nurture and care for them. 

Suggested Sponsorship Amounts :


  • Provide partial support for a girl with monthly support, $25, $50, $75 or another specified amount which will be provided monthly.

  • Comprehensive Care for one girl for one year; $170/month or $2,000/year. Comprehensive care provides food, clothing (school uniforms and casual clothes) education, medical care and accommodations.

  • Provide a one time donation of any value for an extracurricular activity for the girls. Activities include a movie, concert, sporting event etc. Activities are needed to enhance the girls growth and development.


Click now to sponsor a girl


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